Operational turnaround is a very delicate corporate exercise, in which a Corporate Restructuring Officer (CRO) may need to perform a number of different roles during the restructuring process. Usually a debtor in possession will try to find a CRO that has hands-on-expertise and experience in the debtor’s industry.
It is important for a CRO to adapt to the culture of the company and establish trust and credibility with management and the general work force. Once trust and confidence has been achieved, the CRO needs to identify the problem, the core business and the end game, effectively isolating the company’s offices from the restructuring process by leaving them free to pursue the day-to-day operations of the company and implementation of the new business model.
At Buchler Phillips, we have more than 30 years’ experience in the market and are uniquely placed to provide support to management, including:
- Improving and refining business models, while supporting management to execute
- Developing flexible routes to margin improvement
- Optimising efficiency and cash flow
- Managing stakeholder expectations and ensuring timely delivery of a restructuring plan
- Dealing with director or shareholder disputes for our clients